About Us
One Life Once Choice strives to illuminate the shadows of substance abuse, unite communities in shared knowledge, and transform lives through education, fostering a safer and more informed society.
Illuminate, Unite, Transform
How it all started
One Life One Choice was started by our Global Ambassador, Rodney Bridge, after the death of his beautifully talented and generous son, Preston. Preston died at the age of 16, after taking a synthetic form of LSD in February 2013, during his school ball after party. Following his family tragedy, Rod found out that the LSD substance was made up of 25i-NBOMe as well as a shopping list of other synthetic drugs. Preston lost his life that night based on one choice and had he known what he was taking, he would have made an entirely different decision. One Life One Choice was born out of that understanding, that our youth need to be educated on substance use and be empowered to make informed decisions, with the help of parents, teachers, and their community.
Our goal is to spread this powerful message to every person in Australia.
Some Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
Igniting Minds, Nurturing Hearts, Enriching Futures
One Life Once Choice
is dedicated to pioneering a world-first, chapter-by-chapter strategy that breathes life into classrooms, cultivating a passion for reading and broadening student experiences. Developed in collaboration with Ready Ed. Publications and aligned with the National Literacy Curriculum, our evidence-based approach encompasses literature elements. We provide a comprehensive Teachers Guide and Program, fostering productive and flexible delivery, along with a National Values Curriculum to guide students in understanding moral standards.
Our Quality Novel Study website offers strategic insights, empowering teachers, while student content and workbooks encourage dynamic and adaptable learning. Through an engaging online, interactive, cartoon-illustrated program, we empower students to make informed decisions, fostering open discussions and shaping a future of enriched minds and hearts.